Tag Archive for: Physical Therapy


Low Back Pain Guidelines for Patients

Back Pain : Perspectives for patients One of the biggest challenges that clinicians face is to make treatment practical. There is overwhelming evidence that activity when there is back pain is most often helpful to reduce symptoms and expedite…
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Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines

Back Pain: The full report If you are like us, you likely want to know the reasons behind the decision making process. Transparency is always key in this type of process. This publication on lower back pain is the most recent research (End…
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Prevent injury with a good warm up! Use the Fifa 11+

The Fifa 11+ is an amazingly well researched program to prevent soccer injuries.  It is easily applied to a multitude of different sports.   Here is the research to support it's use. https://tinyurl.com/SPSC11Research Please…

Hamstring Strains Guide

Hamstring injuries can be challenge to work with. The good thing is that most get better fast when we use the best science. If you really want to geek out on the research follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/SPSCHamstring   …
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Small steps, Strong shield: The benefits of Exercise to fight COVID

From the British Medical Journal: This is a ground breaking study to support the benefits of Exercise to prevent serious symptoms of COVID. (1) using objectively measured physical activity data to demonstrate a positive association between…

Back Pain for Athletes… and Workers

Did you know? Back pain affects everyone! 3 Up to 9 in every 10 Olympic athletes experience LBP in their lifetime; at any 1 time, up to 2 in every 3 athletes might be experiencing LBP.   Low back pain (LBP) is common in the general and…

When is Abnormal Normal? MRI and normal aging

When is abnormal normal? Reframing MRI abnormalities as a normal part of ageing Adam G Culvenor , Marcella Ferraz Pazzinatto, Joshua J Heerey British Journal of Sports Medicine, July 2021 Sports and exercise medicine clinicians…

Preventing anterior knee pain

Anterior Knee Pain can be prevented: Knee straps Running on softer surfaces Gradual progressive loading of exercise Foot Orthotics Read full article here: https://tinyurl.com/Knee-Pain-Prevention  

Research on Quality MSK Care – Key Points

What does best practice care for musculoskeletal pain look like? Eleven consistent recommendations from high-quality clinical practice guidelines: systematic review.  O'Sullivan et al, BJSM 2020 The challenges:   1. Overuse of…