The tragic hip. Managing hip pain with Science.
Hip pain be difficult to manage. We use our hips all the time with motion. We sit on them. We lie on them. They are even closely related to back pain and knee pain.
Fortunately, we have research to the rescue. A large scale RCT study…

Shockwave Research Updates
Shockwave Therapy is a relatively new tool on the block. It has been used in musculoskeletal medicine for years and the evidence is promising for use as a component of treatment.
Check out the recent podcast below from the British Journal…

Advice to athletes with Back Pain: Get active!
"Prolonged inactivity for an athlete with LBP can increase their injury risk, which ultimately results in further inactivity and
potentially more pain. While ‘keep active’ might seem an odd recommendation for athletes with LBP, emphasising…

Small steps, Strong shield: The benefits of Exercise to fight COVID
From the British Medical Journal:
This is a ground breaking study to support the benefits of Exercise to prevent serious symptoms of COVID.
(1) using objectively measured physical activity data to demonstrate a positive association between…

Sometimes our joints just hurt, and its ok not to know why.
This article was written by Dr. Howard Luks, Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Specialist
Sometimes our joints just hurt, and it’s ok not to know why (howardluksmd.com)
Please visit his website for more excellent research based information:

Research on Quality MSK Care – Key Points
What does best practice care for musculoskeletal pain look like? Eleven consistent recommendations from high-quality clinical practice guidelines: systematic review. O'Sullivan et al, BJSM 2020
The challenges:
1. Overuse of…

Patellofemoral Syndrome. What the latest research tells us.
By Scott Simpson Saanich Physiotherapy + Sports Clinic
Anterior knee pain has been shown to affect 1 in 4 of people in general population with increases in athletes (McConnell), likewise a study by Almedia, found that the problem affects 7-40%…

Manual Therapy for Back and Neck Pain
See the Big Picture. Treat the CAUSE of injury.
This is the 'hands-on' of physiotherapy which is found at the Saanich Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic. Although there are certain improvements that can be made by stretching and massage alone,…