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The tragic hip. Managing hip pain with Science.

Hip pain be difficult to manage.  We use our hips all the time with motion. We sit on them. We lie on them.  They are even closely related to back pain and knee pain. Fortunately, we have research to the rescue. A large scale RCT study…
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Exercise vs NSAIDS for Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis

Research Synthesis: Specific exercise just as effective as Anti-inflammatory Meds for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis pain. This large scale meta-analysis shows how movement is medicine. Here is what the research tells us...and there is…
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Tracking Progress and Getting Stronger

TRACKING YOUR INJURY RECOVERY PROGRESS Recovering from an injury takes time and tracking your injury recovery progress can be a challenging time for you. Your recovery process can be influenced by a large number of factors all influencing…
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Breaking the cycle of chronic pain

Breaking the cycle of chronic pain. What is chronic pain? Upto one in five Canadian adults suffer from chronic pain. It also affects one in five people globally and is the primary reason people seek medical treatment. In most cases,…
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Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain

Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain While pain killers may be useful in controlling the symptom of discomfort, one should know that unless the cause of pain is addressed, the endless cycle of recurrent pain can be highly likely. We all had experience…
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Patellofemoral Syndrome. What the latest research tells us.

By Scott Simpson Saanich Physiotherapy + Sports Clinic Anterior knee pain has been shown to affect 1 in 4 of people in general population with increases in athletes (McConnell), likewise a study by Almedia, found that the problem affects 7-40%…