10000 Steps to health
Did you ever wonder about where that 10000 steps per day came from?
Does science actually support this?
The short answer is yes!
The British Journal of Medicine recently published a high quality review highlighting how people taking…

Exercise to reduce blood pressure infographic
Have you ever wondered what the best forms of exercise are to reduce blood pressure?
Please check out this infographic because solutions might be easier than you think.

Update on Treatment of tendon injuries
Tendinopathy is a prevalent condition involving degenerative changes within tendons of both children and adults, commonly in the Achilles, rotator cuff, lateral elbow, patellar and hip tendons.
It affects athletic and non-athletic populations…

Small steps, Strong shield: The benefits of Exercise to fight COVID
From the British Medical Journal:
This is a ground breaking study to support the benefits of Exercise to prevent serious symptoms of COVID.
(1) using objectively measured physical activity data to demonstrate a positive association between…

Sometimes our joints just hurt, and its ok not to know why.
This article was written by Dr. Howard Luks, Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Specialist
Sometimes our joints just hurt, and it’s ok not to know why (howardluksmd.com)
Please visit his website for more excellent research based information:

Exercise…Heads we win, tails we don’t lose much.
So exercise can be beneficial, but also potential detrimental if excessive and inappropriate..
Generally, however, exercise is beneficial and for the vast majority of issues, even the most challenging cases.
The problem:
People with…