Hot off the Press! Updated Knee Pain Recommendations
Fresh off the press! Here is a review from the Journal of the American Medical Association looking at assessment and treatment of knee pain.
Some interesting information here:
Knee pain accounts for approximately 5% of all general…

Exercise vs NSAIDS for Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis
Research Synthesis:
Specific exercise just as effective as Anti-inflammatory Meds for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis pain.
This large scale meta-analysis shows how movement is medicine.
Here is what the research tells us...and there is…

Lower body Osteoarthritis and Activity: The Goldilocks effect
Not too much, not too little - Just right.
Over the years research has dramatically moved toward supporting the idea that our bodies are made to move. This movement makes us stronger can contribute to not only recovery from injury but also…

Joint Action- 10 key facts about Osteoarthritis

Preventing anterior knee pain
Anterior Knee Pain can be prevented:
Knee straps
Running on softer surfaces
Gradual progressive loading of exercise
Foot Orthotics
Read full article here:

Common Knee Pain Treatment Guidelines
Have you ever wondered how we try to synthesize information to provide the best care? Basically we want you to get better faster.
One of the best ways is to follow "Clinical Practice Guidelines" which rates what works and what doesn't...

Tracking Progress and Getting Stronger
Recovering from an injury takes time and tracking your injury recovery progress can be a challenging time for you. Your recovery process can be influenced by a large number of factors all influencing…

Breaking the cycle of chronic pain
Breaking the cycle of chronic pain.
What is chronic pain?
Upto one in five Canadian adults suffer from chronic pain. It also affects one in five people globally and is the primary reason people seek medical treatment. In most cases,…

Knee Pain Solutions
Knee pain comes in many forms with many different causes. While treatment for every person and condition will be different in each case, here are a few tips that may help to reduce knee pain throughout the day.
1. Choose supportive footwear