Tag Archive for: Back Pain

Back Pain for Athletes… and Workers

Did you know? Back pain affects everyone! 3 Up to 9 in every 10 Olympic athletes experience LBP in their lifetime; at any 1 time, up to 2 in every 3 athletes might be experiencing LBP.   Low back pain (LBP) is common in the general and…

When is Abnormal Normal? MRI and normal aging

When is abnormal normal? Reframing MRI abnormalities as a normal part of ageing Adam G Culvenor , Marcella Ferraz Pazzinatto, Joshua J Heerey British Journal of Sports Medicine, July 2021 Sports and exercise medicine clinicians…

Research on Quality MSK Care – Key Points

What does best practice care for musculoskeletal pain look like? Eleven consistent recommendations from high-quality clinical practice guidelines: systematic review.  O'Sullivan et al, BJSM 2020 The challenges:   1. Overuse of…
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Breaking the cycle of chronic pain

Breaking the cycle of chronic pain. What is chronic pain? Upto one in five Canadian adults suffer from chronic pain. It also affects one in five people globally and is the primary reason people seek medical treatment. In most cases,…
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Lower Back Pain When Walking or Running

Lower Back Pain When Walking or Running As Physiotherapists a regular complaint by patients is the experience of increasing lower back pain when walking or running. There is a common misconception that because we are undertaking exercises…

Hips don’t lie- Hip strength a vital link?

Hip Function Acquiring hip strength and stability is a very specific physical goal. For some the incentive for achieving this goal will be bought on by hip injury or pain. For others it will be to support other physical goals, through engaging…
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Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain

Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain While pain killers may be useful in controlling the symptom of discomfort, one should know that unless the cause of pain is addressed, the endless cycle of recurrent pain can be highly likely. We all had experience…


Headaches Symptoms Dull/Sharp Ache or throbbing pain in the head or upper neck Pain can be constant / intermittent, commonly in the temples or forehead Pain can refer to jaw, face, neck or shoulders. Pain can refer from neck and shoulders…