Research  (Plantar Heel Pain) – Full article link below.

We wanted to share with you a powerful synthesis of top quality research. This paper appeared recently in the British Medical Journal.

Plantar heel pain (PHP), which affects 4%–7.0% of the community, is associated with impaired health-related quality of life including social isolation, a poor perception of health status and reduced functional capabilities. PHP predominantly affects sedentary middle-aged and older adults, and is estimated to account for 8.0% of all injuries related to running. The condition is characterised by first step pain and pain during weight-bearing tasks, particularly after periods of rest.

Best practice from a mixed-methods study synthesising systematic review with expert opinion and patient feedback suggests core treatment for people with PHP should include taping, stretching and individualised education. Patients who do not optimally improve may be offered shockwave therapy, followed by custom orthoses.

Here is the full article: